Well, here we are. I didn't think I'd ever actually get around to making a blog but you know what? Why not.
So... since this conversation is leaning a little more toward being one-sided then the ones I'm used to having, I guess this is the part where I give somewhat of a background about myself. An origin story, if you will.
I'm an avid comic book reader. Have been since I learned to read. Spider-Man has always been my favorite. He's been through a bit of a rough patch lately but every day is a Brand New Day (see what I did there? No? Then start reading comics or you're going to feel awfully left out around here.) and things seem to be on the right track. I'm not a total Marvel Fanboy though, while I do love them and find them to be superior to DC, you just can't argue with some of DC's roster. Green Lantern, Batman, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman are some of the greatest characters around. Batman has the greatest Rogues Gallery no question.
Aside from comics, I've always been a fan of science fiction, across all mediums. I'm not a Trekkie, or the number one Star Wars fan (which I know sounds like blasphemy being a Sci-Fi guy who doesn't love those two things. But I promise, there's nothing blasphemous about it. I checked) but I do appreciate the universes they live in and certainly borrow elements from their storytelling whenever crafting my own. I am a HUGE Firefly/Serenity fan though, so at least there's one cult audience that will come to my defense when I'm in need.
My most important hobby would have to be gaming. I'm a hardcore gamer. RPG's are my favorite genre. Before you go making any assumptions about me, just remember this is 2011. Point being: I'm 21, in shape, and have an active and healthy social life. Also, I'm pretty handsome, funny, smart... and sprinkled with a touch of what others may call arrogance but what I like to pretend is self-confidence. I grew up with Spider-Man, remember? Anyway, My favorite game developer is BioWare, which should come as no surprise considering I'm a writer. They craft the best stories ever. Period. There's no comparison. BioWare games are hardly games at all. They're an experience. Experiences that, I'll be honest, inspired me to become a creative writer. If I'm ever a fraction as good a storyteller as their worst game's story, I'll have succeeded in achieving my wildest aspirations.
I play a lot of platformers too, and love shelling out money to take a chance on a new IP. Gotta give the little guys a chance, you know? Some of the best games of last year are invisible to the average gamer. Enslaved and Majin, anyone? They're far from perfect, but they've got what matters most, heart.
So I guess the last point to address would be what to expect from this blog. Well, I like to write random short stories that pop into my head, so there will be plenty of those. I tend to get over excited at things most people hardly care about. (I NEED a Xoom Tablet and the Droid Bionic NOW!! Like seriously, now.) The point of that statement being I'll probably use this space to rant and rave about the latest tech gadgets and game releases. Also, if something important happens in a show I like watching (Bones, Fringe, or Chuck most likely) you will certainly hear about it. I'm also working on a huge sci-fi project. I'm writing a novel which will hopefully branch out into multiple stories and side stories for years to come. In my head, it's playing out like an old-school RPG, but for now I realize i'm just a small fish in a big sea so one step at a time. Yeah... I have an overactive imagination.
Hopefully, if you managed to read through all that, you've decided to stick around. Don't be afraid to comment because I love talking to people about whatever. If you'd like to get a feel for my journalistic side, I'm also a blogger for the sites http://www.scholargamers.com/ and http://www.stledgerswoods.com/ on top of my own personal game reviews site http://www.gamingsnirvana.com/ Check 'em out if you want. Enjoy the crazy!
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